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US war on terror is war on Israel’s enemies - Kevin Barrett

American political commentator Kevin Barrett says Washington’s so-called war on terror is actually a war on Israel’s enemies.

He made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Sunday while commenting on the US Senate’s approval of a multi-billion-dollar military spending bill that includes $350 million for Israel’s Iron Dome missile system.

“Once again the United States’ Congress has proved its absolute slavement to... Israel by voting to give 350 million dollars of the American taxpayers’ money to Israel to build its so-called Iron Dome missile system,” Barrett said.
“This is just a small part of the vast outlays that Americans are sending over to Israel. According to a Christian Science Monitor article, earlier – was it about ten years ago?! – the US has provided over a trillion dollars in support to Israel over the years,” he stated.

According to US Vice President Joe Biden, the United States has handed $17 billion to Israel in direct military aid since 2008, he said. “And if you add indirect aid, it adds up into the multiple dozens of billions in a very recent period.”
The United States provides Israel with some $8.5 million in military aid per day, adding up to over $3 billion annually.

The US military aid to Israel has prompted several demonstrations across the country against such deals. American protesters argue that the US taxpayer money is used for more Israeli aggression against Palestinians.

“The question arises what is the United States getting for all this money and weaponry that it is lavishing upon this tiny state of about ten million people? And the answer is just the whole lot of trouble,” Barrett said.

“The American support for Israel is creating hatred of America for all over the world. It has led the United States into the so-called war on terror, which is actually a war on Israel’s enemies,” he noted.

“It was triggered by a Zionist attack on America – the false-flag operation of September 11, 2001, in which Israel’s American assets murdered 3,000 Americans, blew up the twin towers, destroyed World Trade Center [Building] 7 and the entire World Trade Center, attacked the Pentagon, America’s military headquarters, and then deceptively blamed 'Muslim terrorists,'” Professor Barrett pointed out.

US officials assert that the attacks were carried out by al-Qaeda terrorists, but many analysts say it was a false-flag operation and that Osama bin Laden was just a bogeyman for the US military-industrial complex.
They believe rogue elements within the George W. Bush administration orchestrated or at least encouraged the 9/11 attacks in order to boost the US economy and advance the Zionist agenda.


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