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Sweden: There Wasn’t an Explosion, but they are Definitely Under Attack

Sweden: There Wasn’t an Explosion, but they are Definitely Under Attack

— Trump to Americans: “We’ve got to keep our country safe,”

In the latest episode of mainstream media, the charge is that Trump must be a crazy man for his reference to Sweden, Saturday, February 18, to a large crowd of supporters in Melbourne, Florida.

“We’ve got to keep our country safe,” Trump said. “You look at what’s happening in Germany. You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what’s happening in Brussels. You look at what’s happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris.”

This media isn’t concerned with reporting any actual news. The corporate-controlled, globalist-owned media would rather wait at the feet of President Donald Trump in hopes that he drops a crumb big enough to take to their doghouse and chew on—and last night they got their crumb. No, there wasn’t any terror attack in Sweden the night before—but is Sweden not having any problems because of the choices they’ve made in regards to the refugee crisis?

What about the financial strain being put on the country—the increase in crime and the astounding increase in rape? Before you make ‘fake news’ allegations, here are some reminders from not so long ago, that were forgotten?—or were they conveniently overlooked.
Who remembers a Swedish woman by the name of Elin Krantz? You know the young multi-culturalist who was sadly, and brutally, raped and killed by the Ethiopian refugee, Ephrem Tadele Yohannes.

There’s also Youssaf Khaliif Nuur, the 6-foot-tall, 15-year-old Somali ‘boy’ who killed social worker, Alexandra Mezher.

This is an irreversible social experiment that no wealthy state has ever attempted. – Tino Sanandaji

The Spectator reports,

“There are serious concerns, though, about children falling victim to predatory adults who have lied about their age [to get into Sweden]. Earlier this year, a boy of 12 was raped in refugee accommodation by another refugee who claimed to be 15. A dental X-ray suggested the attacker was closer to 19. Later that month, a 22-year-old Swede (herself the daughter of immigrants) was stabbed to death by one of the refugees she was caring for — another adult claiming to be 15.”

The Gatestone Institute reports in 1975, 421 rapes were reported to police in Sweden. Since becoming acquainted with multiculturalism, rapes have jumped to 6,620 in 2014—that’s a 1,472% increase.

“Over the past 10-15 years, immigrants have mainly come from Muslim countries such as Iraq, Syria and Somalia. Might this mass influx explain Sweden’s rape explosion? It is difficult to give a precise answer, because Swedish law forbids registration based on people’s ancestry or religion,” says The Gatestone Institute on their website. Ah, political correctness strikes again.

How about this headline in the Sunday Express from February, 2016, “MAPPED: How sex attacks are spreading across Sweden as police struggle with migrant crime,” the same article that reported, “SHOCKING sex attacks have swept across Sweden with the number of young girls and boys being raped rocketing as police struggle with migrant crime.” Take a look at the map here and the list of sexual attacks from January 2016 published on the Sunday Express below.


On New Year’s Eve ‘several’ girls sought police protection from men after stating they had sexually harassed them.

Kalmar Larmtorget

Women attacked on New Year’s Eve and according to reports migrant men stood guard while women were assaulted.


Also on New Year’s Eve a woman filmed herself being attacked by migrants who were trying to ‘buy’ her and in Malmö gangs of migrant youths preyed on drunk women.


Four young migrants allegedly sexually assaulted a woman on a bus, refusing to let her past.


Multiple reports of girls being attacked in swimming pools.


Many girls who reported being attacked in Swedish bath houses have begun calling for tightened security measures.


Pools have been segregated for men and women after girls as young as 11 were attacked.

Woman reported being raped.


Several girls were allegedly sexually assaulted and held against their will on the dance floor at a nightclub.

What is missing here? Has violence surged since Sweden’s massive absorption of refugees? Is it fair to say that Sweden is truly having problems?

The crime isn’t the only thing affecting the country either. In 2016, Tino Sanandaji, a Swedish economist, who is of Iranian and Kurdish decent, reported to the Daily Mail that what’s happening in Sweden is “quite disastrous.”

“This is an irreversible social experiment that no wealthy state has ever attempted. There are almost no ideas or visions over how this can be solved.

You can’t combine open borders with a welfare state. If you offer generous benefits, and anyone can come and use these benefits, a very large number of people will try to do that. It’s just mathematically impossible for a small country like Sweden to fund that.”

Crime, a surge in sexual assaults, financial strain—There may have not been any explosion the other night, but Sweden is definitely under attack.

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