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Word War 3 looming as UK, USA and South Korea issue huge military WARNING to North Korea

Word War 3 looming as UK, USA and South Korea issue huge military WARNING to North Korea

Tension is growing after North Korea was sent a dire military warning by the UK, USA, South Korea and eight other countries.

The eleven states announced plans to hold a huge joint military drill - something known to infuriate North Korea and their erratic leader Kim Jong-un.

North Korea has repeatedly threatened to destroy Kim’s enemies when they carry out drills on the peninsula but Westminster, Washington and Seoul are refusing to bow to the despot’s sabre-rattling threats.

South Korea’s navy announced today 11/10/2017 it will hold a “joint naval mine warfare exercise” with Britain, the USA and eight other states in the near future.

They revealed the symbolic war games, which will involve mine clearing, will take place off the south-east coast of South Korea.
A South Korean press agency reported today: “The two sides plan to kick off the weeklong training Saturday following a related symposium hosted by Rear Adm. Brad Cooper, who commands the US forces.

“The mine warfare practice to be staged in waters near the port city of Jinhae, South Gyeongsang Province, will involve more than 10 South Korean vessels, including the 3,000-ton Nampo minelayer and two 1,400-ton US mine countermeasures ships: Chief and Pioneer.”

South Korea revealed a total of 11 countries would join the drills: the UK, South Korea, the USA, South Africa, New Zealand, Japan, Canada, Thailand, Turkey, Australia and the Philippines.

South Korean Rear Admiral Kim Jong-sam said the drills would prepare the 11 states for any possible conflict with North Korea.

He said: “Mines laid by an enemy badly hamper the navigation of ships and the deployment of additional combined forces.”

North Korea has repeatedly pushed the patience of the West this year.
It comes after North Korea claimed America had “lit the wick of war” - the latest dire threat from the hermit state.

The country’s foreign minister Ri Yong Ho slammed US president Donald Trump and said tensions will not be settled with words. Trump, you can say, has lit the wick of a war against us North Korea

He said: "With his bellicose and insane statement at the United Nations, Trump, you can say, has lit the wick of a war against us.

"We need to settle the final score, only with a hail of fire, not words."

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